Cypress Creek Kennel Club 02/02/02 - 02/03/02 The judges for this show were Bonnie Drabek and Kim Buchan... Some interesting and challenging courses were posed for everyone to manuver the weekend. You can view them below.. Saturday started with the little dogs in the standard course excellent and the novice dogs in the jww course. This was a interesting standard course.. The real challenge that seemed to catch most people was the discrimination at 13/dog walk. The tunnel was pulled out in front of the entrance to the dog walk and the flat approach angle to it with the fast across the ring jump sequence set it up for a serious challenge... What ended up happening is that people usually either kept running forwared and pushed their dogs into the tunnel or they over handled it and pulled them past both to the end of the tunnel that was under the dog walk... The most successful were either dogs who had good discrimination skill and would do it basically unassisted or people who would remember to stop their forward momentum and give a slight turn to help the dog find the dog walk.... As far as for us. Cajun is such a little distance guy. he was flying down the straight line and as he took the 5th jump in the line I called dog walk and he was heading straight to the tunnel put on his breaks and went straight up the dog walk. Cajun has always been one for the dramatic. (the judge even went OHHH behind me!).. But alas this is Cajun and he opted to fly off his see saw again after a very pretty run. POUT POUT POUT.... Partee though ran it very nicely and other than coming out of the chute and heading to the middle of the weave poles costing us a little time he was clean and came in 2nd behind cousin larrie and Gerry Brown. So on to JWW.. I had fun here I got to run little Sadie the Border Terrier and altough a few heart stopping moments when she tried to take the off course jump she was fun. She ended up with a 3rd place... Cajun was Run by Renee King and unforunately took a bar down and it was on you took like 5 times and it was so funny first time he took the bar, 2nd he kinda hoped by the 3-5 times he would go thru it and look at the up rights and Renee like she was nuts!!! Partee again ran clean for Double Q number 6 and he earned 1st place this time... Overall a good day. I hope tomorrow is as successful. HEHEHEE a secret we found out that Maggie Downey can MACH 4 tomorrow. I hope to put that brag out soon for her!!! Well another interesting day... We started out with Bonnie's standard course. It was a fast fun course... the aframe/tunnel where you did NOT take them from 5-6 seemed to be a big trouble maker today... Sandy did run Cajun today and in standard her learned her first lesson. Don't try to cut off a BIG DOG!!! she triped over Cajun. After we made sure that she and Cajun were already the teasing began. Partee was fast and clean taking 1st in the class... (AND the future MACH 4 Dog Kelsey was too)... So on to JWW we go. Sandy ran Cajun beautifully with just a missed weave entry!! Maggie ran a nice clean run with Kelsey to earn her MACH 4. champagne was had and we all celebrated. It could not happen to a nicer person and dog!!! Partee then ran and was again clean for Double Q # 7... With a 2nd place... The part that caught most dogs on this jumpers course was the weave entry and getting the dog over the last jump when they came out of the straight acceleration chamber the tunnel!!! But another fun weekend was had and it was so nice being local for the 3rd weekend in a row. Click below to view each course...Click on the course you want to see...