Flashpaws Agility Club 01/26/02 - 01/27/02 The judges for this show were Kim Thomas-Simons and Denise Thomas... They were FANTASTIC courses!!!! They are all below. Flashpaws runs a fairly quick show so because I have to work I don't get alot of time to watch everyone. But it was great to see Jane Trainham finish her MACH on her little Tibitan Terrier on Saturday!!! I was running scores so know and gave the judge the bar for her!! But as far as me and courses!!! Well Cajun missed the weave entry in standard saturday Partee was clean and 1st place. The issue on the course for most seemed to be the turn to the weave poles. most people were pushing over the jump and never turning thus pshing their dogs thru the tire! In jumpers it was a fast course. Partee was again clean and 1st place. The part that got most on this course was the 18- from jump 14 to 15. many dogs caught the tunnel and that vaccume was on!!! Flashpaws alwasy give out a High Combined to highest in Excellent Std and Jww combined. PARTEE WON!!! yaaa. They also give out a High in Trial and our good friends Shirely Weatherford and her new little sheltie won it from the Novice B class!!!! Sunday Poor Parte got completely hung I mean wraped a leg around the weave poles at the end of the course and 2 obsticles I think he was still ouching as he was scrambling on the see saw and he never does that... but alas a flyoff so no Q.. In jumpers he was flying but when he hit the weaves and came out he was significantly slower so I definitely think he had an ouchie in the poles.. But he did Q in jumpers for 3rd place... All in all GREAT FUN courses and a good time was had by all!!! Click below to view each course...Click on the course you want to see...