Houston German Shorthair Pointer Club 01/19/02 - 01/20/02 The judges for this show were Pam Sturtz from New York and Tom Schultz from Misouri.. The show was very well run and although I found out after the show they were having a problem getting workers I never heard anyone ask. Or I would have volunteered... We started our weekend under Tom for standard and it was a fun course with a trap leading to the entry to the weave poles that caught many people... Cajun missed his aframe contact and his weave entry... But Partee was clean and 2nd place. Jumpers was judged by Pam and was a really fun fast course... Since Cajun and I had not Q'd in standard I let Shirley Weatherford run him in jumpers. And boy did he HAVE HER NUMBER I mean he ignored her all over. But he had fun. Partee was fast but had a spin 3 jumps before the end and still earned 1st in the class for his 3rd DQ on MACH 3... We all headed to dinner after that as we had 2 NEW MACHs to celebrate at flashpaws. Kathy Brown finished hers with her 20th DQ on her Pap Niko and Karen Barrett finished her with 2 points to spare on her Bearded Collie Jet... Sunday we started again with standard under Pam this time. A nice course most mistakes were near the end when the dog would back jump number 16... Cajun ran beautifully for me but knocked bar number 3... Partee was clean and 1st place. so again off we go to jumpers. Cajun was run by Sandy Henderson this time (my friend from work who runs a cool little doxie Abby who got her first DQ today).. She ran him great just one off course as he ISN'T A DOXIE..hehehe Partee was fast and clean for 2nd place and is 4th DQ on MACH 3.... Click below to view each course...Click on the course you want to see...